In this section I will tell you of a few programs I am reading for to earn a few extra bucks for my supplies I use in
my world of magick The one's that pay me monthly are listed here
Hello you have found my personal web site. Lady clicker is proud to present my clicks I read email and click on ptc sites
.I network and live in a small town in Kansas .On the left is the navigation links to the pages with in this site . I would like to thank you for taking the time to join me. My top two money makers are listed here on
the home page if you are looking for a few more programs just look at the thank you page for a list of all my PTC sites.
You may think she cant be making any money at clicking well you would be wrong ptc sites pay you any where from 1 cent
up to 5.00 dollars to view a 30 second ad .click the ad and watch the timer close the page and your account is credited.
With surf sites you can double your money with in just a few days buy a upgrade surf the time period and double your money.
clix senseThe best PTC site I click at is this one. Every month for the last
3 years clix sense Has sent me a check with out delay.just like clock work on the 10th of the
month in my mailbox is a check
This surf site pay’s instantly surf 12 pages and receive instant payout to your alert pay no waiting for your upgrade
to expire paid daily instantly
Let's take a look at what happens if you were to refer only five new members to and ONLY three of those
members upgrade to a Premium account. We'll use the same scenario through all five levels:
First there is yourself on your own level. You are guaranteed payment for each advertisement you click on and view for
just 30 seconds.
Level one - You referred 5 new free members = 50 cents. Now 3 of them upgade which earns you another $6.00. Total so far
is $6.50 plus your paid to click ads.
Level two - Each of your referrals refer 5 free members of which three each upgrade to Premium accounts. Your total now
is $15.50!! ($6.50 for level one, and $9 for level two.)
Level three - These members perform same as the above levels and only refer an easy 3 upgrades each. Now your total earnings
is $42.50!! ($27 for level three, and $15.50 for levels above.)
Level four - These members perform same as the above levels and only refer an easy 3 upgrades each. Now your total earnings
is $123.50!! ($81 for level four, and $42.50 for levels above.)
Level five - These members perform same as the above levels and only refer an easy 3 upgrades each. Now your total earnings
is $366.50!! ($243.00 for level five, and $123.50 for levels above.)
I was VERY skeptical, but on the advice of a friend, I joined magic surf 30th April 2009
as a free member then I invested $2.00 on one upgrade total invested was $2.00 upgrades are $2.00 each .I have not put any
more of my own cash into this system.
I am now earning $28.00 a day off this same $2.00 .I receive payout when my upgrades expire automatically .so before I
surf on the day of being paid I upgrade with half of the pay out from magic surf. So you can see I am making good money with
only my first $2.00 .Join free buy a upgrade and build your surf cash keep half invest the other half back into it .I now
have 80 upgrades running weekly.
What are you waiting on this site pays join free upgrade and build that surf cash today.
You can pay with any of these with Magic Surf and the great thing is you get PAID. Love Magic Surf.
My latest upgrades useing alert pay money made from that first $2.00 every 4 days or so i upgrade at least
20.00 from the profits made at magic surf this way i have upgrades running every day my surf pay is 26,00 per day earnings
so latest 84 upgrades .
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